City of Honey Grove

Driver’s Safety Course
Driver’s Safety – What can I do to help my Driving Record?
If you are 25+ years of age – do not possess a Commercial Drivers License – and have not committed any of the following offenses:
-Fail to give information at an accident
-Leaving the scene of an accident
-Illegal Passing of a School Bus
-Offenses occurred while driving a commercial vehicle
-Offense occurred in a construction zone where workers were present
-25 MPH over the posted speed limit
Your violation can be dismissed by paying an Administrative Fee of $144.00 to the Honey Grove Municipal Court.
If you are under 25 years old, do not have a Commercial Driver’s License and you are charged with a moving violation, the state requires you to take a Driver’s Safety Course that has been approved by the Texas Education Agency,
In order to be eligible for dismissal, you must NOT have committed any of the following offenses:
-Fail to give information at an accident
-Leaving the scene of an accident
-Illegal Passing of a School Bus
-Offenses occurred while driving a commercial vehicle
-Offense occurred in a construction zone where workers were present
-25 MPH over the posted speed limit
-Have not completed Driver’s Safety for dismissal of a citation within 12 months